Consultez cette page en français
Thank you for your interest in serving members of Nova Scotia’s Acadian and francophone community! There are a number of tools and resources available to help you offer your services in French and promote the fact that you do:
Nova Scotia Directory of French-speaking Health Professionals
This provincial directory of more than 350 health care professionals that can provide services in French is used by members of the community to find practitioners in over 35 different fields. Health care professionals in Nova Scotia can sign up for the directory for free by completing the sign-up form.
The Bonjour-Hello Promotional Tools
The Bonjour-Hello logo helps health care professionals promote the fact that they offer services in French to their patients/clients. Various tools bearing the Bonjour-Hello logo are available free of charge, including pins, posters, window decals, desktop signs and small stickers. There is even a pin for students enrolled in health programs.
English-French Phrase Book for Health Professionals
This phrase book was developed to help health care professionals in Nova Scotia provide their services in French. It features useful phrases and terms for health care settings in English, French and Acadian French and covers various functions and areas of health care, including assessments, tests and procedures, medications, paramedic care, providing care to children, mental health, social services, etc. The phrase book can be ordered free of charge by health care professionals in Nova Scotia.
Patient Safety, Language and Active Offer Training
This workshop offered by Réseau Santé helps health care professionals understand the importance of providing health in the patient’s language, implications for patient safety and how to proactively offer services in French. The workshop is offered as self-directed online training and in person or by videoconference by trainers.
Other Tools to Help You Provide Health Care Services in French
Check out the other websites, apps and publications that can help you learn health care terms in French and roll out French-language services in your establishment.
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Newsletter for Health Care Professionals
Complete the sign-up form below to subscribe to Réseau Santé’s bilingual French in Health Nova Scotia newsletter for health care professionals, support staff and managers who are interested in learning French, improving their French or adopting practices to better serve their Acadian and francophone patients. The newsletter is created in partnership with Nova Scotia Health and the IWK Health Centre.