Français Réseau Santé – Nouvelle-Écosse is pleased with provincial appointments to coordinate French-language services at two government bodies that are vital to the provision of health services in Nova Scotia. Gaston Saulnier was appointed as the provincial French-language services consultant at the Nova Scotia Health Authority and Michael Warner assumes
Français Réseau Santé – Nouvelle-Écosse invites members of the Acadian and francophone community across Nova Scotia to sign up for its mental health training workshops. Offered in French, these workshops seek to strengthen community capacity in mental health by equipping members of the community with the skills to help someone
Français Researchers at the IWK are launching a research project in collaboration with Réseau Santé – Nouvelle-Écosse to identify the service needs of Acadian and francophone families in Nova Scotia who are dealing with the challenges of autism. The study is aimed at French-speaking parents and guardians who have a